Thursday, March 6, 2008

Lucas Singing

Here is Lucas' performance for the concert a couple of weeks ago. He did a great job, but I was sorely disappointed that they wouldn't let him sing more. Thanks Mom & Monette (and Alexis and the baby-to-be) for coming! His selection: Flying Without Wings...


Tina said...

He is sooooo good!!! I miss being in your ward, because I loved hearing him sing! he is sooo good! I love looking at your blog your little boy seems like he is getting so big!

Anonymous said...

Woot! I loved it! I haven't heard that song in a long time... nice little revisit there. I wish you had posted the entire video! I'd love to see it sometime. I've got my ways for you to get it to me. Love you bro! Hope your birthday was awesome!

zealygirl said...

We don't actually have a copy of the whole thing; my mom videotaped it and it somehow got cut before she e-mailed it over...bummer...the bridge is the best part!

Muffin said...

Dude! You should join next season of American Idol! You are an amazing singer!