Friday, February 29, 2008

Tiny Update

It's been so long since we've included anything...

Joshua is 21 months and is all over everything. He speaks sentences now and is a very assertive little boy. At the same time, he is good-natured and loveable; truly a joy to see grow up.

Lucas just finished midterms (yeah!), so only 1.5 more semesters to go. He is getting geared up to go to Calif. later in March.

I am doing very well; pregnancy has been quite good. I purchased a serger to increase my sewing capabilities and have found it to be awesome! It makes me want to get more stuff to work on...

Well, that about sums it up; have a great day!


Rachel Holloway said...

Janette--clearly you need to post more because I didn't even KNOW you were pregnant!

I'm so glad you were able to get a serger. You are so talented and I am sure you will make many amazing things!

zealygirl said...

Yup, due during the beginning of June...We didn't find out what we're having, so it'll be a delivery to look forward to!

pinkmorning said...

Janette - oh man, i was really hoping to find out boy or girl for you guys. i don't know how you can be so patient and wait, we knew we were going to have to wait until after week twenty to find out so we went to fetal fotos at week 14 because we couldn't wait! we are having a little you have any gut feelings about the gender, you know, mother's intuition?