Monday, November 5, 2007

Truman's Journal week - day 1

Sunday November 4, 2007

Hey all,
So I had an assignment this week to improve on my journal entry frequency, so this is day one of that hopefully productive assignment.

I had a good day today. Meetings were great, as usual. Sacrament (fast and testimony meeting) was great. I felt the spirit a number of times. There was one sister who got up who just happened to be visiting from Oregon. She had gone through a chemotherapy treatment previously to treat bone cancer, and was sympathizing with a sister in our ward (Seeley) who is going through chemo treatments (she's down to one every 3 weeks according to her husband, so that's good) She's doing well, but is having a hard time. I've been praying for her on a regular basis for a while now and am hoping that the prayers and faith of all those, myself included, are is being recognized and responded to with blessings upon the head of dear sister Seeley. She is like a second (or third or fourth) mother to me. I have adored her since the day we met here in the Fairfax ward so many years ago. (like 6 or so now) She's an adorable woman and I love her dearly for the friend she is to me and to so many others. I pray that everything will work out with her treatment. Anyway, so this visiting sister bore her testimony and told her story with her treatments that she had gone through to treat her bone cancer. She talked about how she was waiting for it to get difficult, and was thinking 'this isn't so bad, I wonder when it will get hard to bear.' She would see so many people coming in to give her love and prayers and express their gratitude to her for being a part of their lives. They expressed their love for her and their faith in her that she would pull through. She thought about it after a while, all the while waiting for the treatments to get hard to endure. When she thought about it, however, she realized why it hadn't gotten hard to bear-- She came to the realization that the reason that her treatments were all going to smoothly and relatively painlessly, was because of the power of all those prayers that were being answered. They were being answered in her behalf, and the difficulty of her treatments was lessened by a great deal. She recognized this to be a significant blessing to her from the Lord. It was a very sweet testimony.

At the conclusion of our ward block, at the request of the bishop, we ended our meetings fifteen minutes early so that we would have time to gather in the chapel as a ward family and have a kneeling ward prayer in behalf of Sister Seeley. It was one of the sweetest prayers I've heard. Bishop Johnson was the voice and it was a truly heartfelt prayer drawn out to sister Seeley petitioning the Lord for his grace and love to be bestowed upon her and her family and that she would pull through and have a speedy recovery. It was truly an incredible thing to be a part of. I felt honored to be able to be a part of something so selfless as that. It was wonderful.

We had a good fireside tonight as well with Elder Oaks (YSA CES broadcast) that I went to the Centreville Stake Center to watch. It was quite the amusing address. Helen and I talked about it afterwards (comparing notes over the phone) and were laughing together as we reviewed each others remembered moments. It was fun. I'll give more details about it later, but now I must get to sleep. I've got another huge week ahead of me of editing like mad so that we can get this DVD on President Hinckley out on the market for sale for Christmas delivery. We're praying for everything to come together, and so far a number of those prayers have been answered in our favor. I see the Lord's hand in my life and know that he knows who I am. I love him and strive daily to become closer to him. I love you all! More info later!

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