Saturday January 5, 2008
What a fabulous year it has been, this past 2007. I have many fond memories, but also many that I am happy to leave behind.
As some of you know I spent most of the holidays down in Williamsburg, VA with family. My parents own a timeshare down there, so we went down there on the 30th, and stayed through Wednesday the 2nd.

On our first day down there (Monday the 31) we went in to Williamsburg, running through the visitor's center to catch a bus so we could get there in time to hear George Washington give an address.

We wouldn't want to keep the president waiting now, would we?

After hearing him give his speech, we made our way around to the left of the stage where he was speaking, to a hedge maze where we quickly found ourselves lost in the greenery. It was a lot of fun running around and trying to find our way to the center. I took a little video and a couple pictures along the way...
Watch the entire video, the ending frame is the best
I had fun taking pictures while we were wandering around the maze area after we found our way to the center. I have found that I enjoy taking close-up pictures of plant life, and such. I like the detail that can be captured with the macro setting on my pictures such as this:

or this..
Moss growing on the wall that lines the perimeter of the Governor's Gardens.I took this cute picture of Michaela looking through some of the shrubbery...

The last picture I took that day before we got on the bus is I think my favorite picture that I took the entire time down there. I'll show you the one that I tried getting the first time, and then the one I finally got which turned out perfect!
This is the first one I tried taking earlier in the day...

(Notice how the focus is backwards, everything in the
back is in focus, and the seed itself is out of focus.)
But this, ooh yes, this is the one that turned out
just beautiful! I am very proud of it. *big smile*

I couldn't help but take this next picture.

I felt joy as I hit the shutter, knowing that I had just
happened to be looking at that part of the Governor's Green at that moment. I captured the innocence in that little girl; so happy and blissful twirling in her colonial dress. It brought a smile to my face as I saw the moment unfold before me...
Soooo, there is more to the stay that we had (this is just day 1) but, I am going to post this for now, and then head to bed soon. I'll update the rest of the story soon!! Keep an eye out and an ear to the ground! Love you all!